Sitecore XSLT with Padlocks on navigation

Sitecore will renderer out the navigation items based on the security that the user has, this is great in most cases but say you need a site where you have a simple is logged in/logged out approach and the navigation needs to always indicate that a page is secure. Of course our actual padlocks are images but you get the idea.

Well with Sitecore it’s not as difficult as you would think

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Speed up Azure Site

When you deploy onto the Microsoft Azure cloud platform you may have noticed that by default the system will not produce cached or compressed output for the user. This has been designed this way to assist those developers that well don’t know to much about deployments and site optimizations (Not having a go, sometimes you don’t need to worry about this as its someone elses problem).

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ubeeTech Site v2

Got our site up! @bobandmax came up with the great concept of using cut-paper models to illustrate our services:

So what is special about the site;

  • Browser friendly, well except IE6 no one likes IE6 anymore
  • Works with devices such as iPhone, Android etc (can’t guarantee it will be perfect)
  • Uses Cufon to render our main header fonts
  • Running on the Microsoft Azure platform
  • Some more little features

If you want to know more you can always visit us or follow us on twitter feed.